Second Session of the Project UPLIFT Program!

Second Session of the Project UPLIFT Program!

The BC Epilepsy Society is pleased to offer the second session of our Project UPLIFT program. This program uses cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and mindfulness teachings to help people living with epilepsy better manage mental health, including depression, stress, and anxiety.

This 8-week program will begin February 10th, Time TBD. 

Sessions are facilitated over the phone or the Internet by a trained facilitator a mental health facilitator, one of whom must live with epilepsy. Please note that sessions are limited to 6-8 participants, so please register quickly!

To register, please email Sonia at

The BC Epilepsy Society is proud to have the only trained Project UPLIFT facilitator in the entire province on its staff.

This program is part of the Managing Epilepsy Well Network.

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