3 Easy Ways to Spread Awareness on Purple Day

3 Easy Ways to Spread Awareness on Purple Day

March 26th is Purple Day, an international grassroots effort dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide. Many people will be wearing purple to show their support, but if you’re looking for any other ideas to show your support, please see below for some of my favourite ways:

Decorate your front door: From flowers to balloons, there are tons of quick and easy ways to decorate your front door. A trip to the dollar store can help you pick up all the supplies you need. Having younger kids help create poster boards is an easy and fun way to get them involved in the decorations. Don’t forget some purple glitter for the boards!

Update your social media: Sharing your epilepsy story of your purple photo on social media is a great way to spread awareness on epilepsy on Purple Day. Get creative with your photos and props. Try using different purple filters on either Instagram or Snapchat. Don’t forget to upload your photo to your social media using the hashtag #ishare2care. Once you do that, you will be automatically entered for a chance to win one of three $100 gift cards during the month of March.

Share resources: The biggest way to reduce the misinformation and stigma around Epilepsy is to combat it with information. Easy ways to share resources may include dropping off brochures or sharing your story with a link to information online. The BC Epilepsy Society has multiple resources including tons of Information Sheets. In addition, through the BC Epilepsy Society, you can request a Partners in Teaching presentation on epilepsy awareness and seizure first aid and safety for your school.

How are you showing your pride this Purple Day? I’d love to see photos and hear about what you’re doing! Send me an email at [email protected].

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