BC Epilepsy Society on Red FM Monday September 9th

BC Epilepsy Society on Red FM Monday September 9th

The BC Epilepsy Society would like to thank Red FM for having Executive Director, Kim Davidson, on their show to speak to their audience about seizures and epilepsy on Monday September 9th. Kim joined Red FM for an hour-long segment during their Evening Show to discuss epilepsy and seizures in the wake of the tragic passing of actor Cameron Boyce, who passed away in July 2019 as a result of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), which affects 1 to 2 people of every 1,000 people living with epilepsy annually.

During her segment, Kim shed some light on epilepsy, which despite being one of the most common neurological conditions, is still very misunderstood in society. She also delved into the importance of raising public awareness of epilepsy to help the public gain an understanding of the condition, aid people in expanding their knowledge on seizures and epilepsy and support the elimination of the stigma and negative societal response so often associated with the condition.

Kim also mentioned some statistics, such as that 1 in 100 people will get diagnosed with epilepsy at some point during their lives. She also stressed the importance of everyone learning the basics of seizure first aid and safety, so as to prevent harm from coming to anyone with epilepsy, as well as to anyone who may have a seizure at some point during their lives, as 1 in 12 people will experience a seizure in their lifetime.

To learn more about the information that discussed during the segment, or on any other topics related to epilepsy, seizures and SUDEP, please visit the BC Epilepsy Society website at www.bcepilepsy.com or contact the BC Epilepsy Society via telephone at 604-875-6704 or via email at [email protected].

For information on ways that you can get involved in our mission to raise awareness of epilepsy and reduce the stigma related to epilepsy globally, please check out the website for our international I AM A VOICE for Epilepsy Awareness™ campaign at www.iamavoiceforepilepsy.com.

We would like to express our appreciation to both Red FM and to Global News, who had bc-epilepsy-society-on-global-news-july-24th and we hope that other media outlets in Vancouver will pick up this important story as well. If any members of the media would like to reach out to the BC Epilepsy Society for media coverage, please contact us via telephone at 604-875-6704 or via email at [email protected].

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