I AM A VOICE for Epilepsy Awareness™

Epilepsy has no boundaries or borders and the I AM A VOICE for Epilepsy Awareness™ campaign is an international effort dedicated to working alongside epilepsy organizations from around the world to increase the awareness of epilepsy and decrease stigma.
The campaign is a health promotion effort to increase epilepsy literacy; to ensure there is an equitable standard of epilepsy care that aligns with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines; to enable people living with epilepsy to feel safe and supported in their communities; and to be an empowering voice for those who cannot advocate for themselves.
Epilepsy knows no borders or boundaries. We are one VOICE! Join the I AM A VOICE for Epilepsy Awareness™ campaign today. Check out our website here or purchase your I AM A VOICE for Epilepsy Awareness™ clothing items in our store here.