New Restrictions in BC for the Holiday Season

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, the Government of British Columbia and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry have announced new restrictions that will be in place from December 23rd, 2021, to January 18th, 2022. Please see below for more details:
Indoor Personal Gatherings: All indoor personal gatherings – which are gatherings that take place at the home, such as holiday parties – are restricted to the household hosting the gathering plus 10 additional people or 1 other household. Please note that this number does not include people under the age of 12. It should also be noted that everyone attending the gathering aged 12+ must be fully vaccinated.
Indoor Organized Gatherings: No indoor organized gatherings of any sizes will be taking place. This includes weddings, receptions, celebratory events, etc. Please note that this also includes New Years Eve parties.
Seated Events: Seated events are reduced to 50% capacity, regardless of the size of the venue. This includes concerts, sports games, live theatre, and movie theatres. Please note that proof of vaccination is required as well as mask wearing.
Restaurants: There can only be a maximum of 6 people per table at all restaurants, pubs, cafes, etc. Please note that proof of vaccination is required as well as mask wearing. Patrons must remain seated unless going to the bathroom and cannot move between or visit other tables. Masks are required when not seated at a table.
Bars and Nightclubs: All bars and nightclubs will be closed.
Health and Fitness: All gyms, fitness centres, and dance studios will be closed.
Please note that the new rules do not include restrictions around interprovincial travel ahead of Christmas. The province on Tuesday emphasized the need to balance families’ mental health with the goal of reducing transmission.
Other measures include an expanded use of rapid tests; accelerated roll-out of boosters for general population from January to March 2022; and postponing non-urgent scheduled surgeries starting January 4th, 2022 to help manage pressure on acute care facilities.
For more information on the above, please click here.