Chinese Information Sheets

Chinese Information Sheets

與腦癇症共存這些資料是準確和最新的﹐以及是由卑詩腦癇症協會 (BC Epilepsy Society) 的醫療和社會工作專家撰寫和審閱。

(This information is accurate and up-to-date. It is written and reviewed by medical and social work experts from the BC Epilepsy Society.)

如想取得以你的語言提供的健康資訊和意見﹐請致電卑詩健康結連(HealthLink BC)﹐電話﹕8-1-1﹐要求在翻譯員協助下與護士﹑營養師或藥劑師通話。

(For non-emergency health information and advice in your language, call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 to speak with a nurse, dietitian, or pharmacist with a translator.)


腦癇症簡介與發作急救 (Epilepsy Facts and Seizure First Aid)


評估與治療 (Assessment and Treatment)


與腦癇症共存 (Living with Epilepsy)


腦癇症與學業 (Epilepsy and School)


腦癇症與受僱 (Epilepsy and Employment)


財務支援 (Financial Support)


患腦癇的兒童和青少年 (Children and Youth with Epilepsy)


患腦癇的婦女 (Women with Epilepsy)


患腦癇的男性 (Men with Epilepsy)


患腦癇的長者 (Seniors and Epilepsy)


其他題目 (Additional Topics)

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